Microwave Link
Stop recurring cost !
Stop recurring cost ! Eliminating or reducing recurring cost with broadband wireless is the primary goal set by TBL Telecom for its customers. With a variety of solutions ranging from point-to-point and point-to-multipoint wireless links, each link is carefully designed to meet TBL Telecom’s high standards for SLO ( service Level objectives) meeting the minimum […]
Stop recurring cost !
Eliminating or reducing recurring cost with broadband wireless is the primary goal set by TBL Telecom for its customers. With a variety of solutions ranging from point-to-point and point-to-multipoint wireless links, each link is carefully designed to meet TBL Telecom’s high standards for SLO ( service Level objectives) meeting the minimum criteria for availability of five (5) nines, 99.999% representing less than (5) min downtime in a year..
Alternative for Link diversity
Cost associated with specialized circuits such as MPLS, T1 and fiber can now be reduced or eliminated while providing a rapid ROI (Return On Investment). Thus representing a great alternative to traditional fiber and cooper layout or network diversity solution.
Point to point or Point to multi-point
All wireless solutions offert by TBL Telecom are full duplex to address the needs of telephony and video. Wireless solutions can vary in speed from 5 Mbps to 3 Gbps (with bandwidth accelerator) while keeping very low latency, essential to all voices applications. Solutions are point to point or multi-point to address multiple configuration scenario. Mobile solution for vehicule are also available allowing connectivity with speed up to 120KM. Radio frequency can be licensed (Industry Canada) for more privacy or un-licensed. Feasability study is required for any wireless solution. Typical ROI vary betwen 12 and 18 months.
Feasability study
Radio frequency can be licensed (Industry Canada) for more privacy or be public (un-licensed). Feasability study is required for any wireless solution. GPS coordinate are taken at each location and analyzed by our wireless specialist using planning tools software, a written report is then issued with the results .